Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies: Variation

Usually I think of perfection as a sickness, except when it came to these cookies.

This is the New York Times recipe for the perfect chocolate chip cookie. Thems good cookies. No denying it. But they started my dreaming about something a little more to my taste. So I've been tweaking the recipe progressively with each new batch. Here's todays:

Instead of 20 oz. of dark chocolate, I put in:

2 3.5 ounce bars of dark dark chocolate, chopped with a cleaver to half centimeter chunks
2 3.5 ounce bars of dark chocolate with toffee (Ghiradelli brand) (also chopped)
6 ounces of pecans chopped to small bits

I put in about 1 cup and a smidge of white sugar instead of 1 2/3 cup.

Splash of Jim Beam. This will probably not even be detectable. But why not.

7+7+6=20, right?

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