Saturday, December 20, 2008


Remember the beef stew with the hard boiled eggs in it? That were cut to the yolk and allowed to simmer in a brown sauce? Mmm. Five spice stew. Mom says you can't make it with both eggs and potatoes. I did, and it was fine, but maybe you don't want to mess with potatoes AND eggs.

1-1.5 lbs lean stew meat cubed to about an inch length

3 cloves garlic, minced (smash the garlic under a knife or a canned good to get the outer skin off, slice in half, get the green stem out, then mince).

6-8 eggs, hardboiled and slit lengthwise only through the whites six times evenly around OR

2-3 large baking potatoes cubed to the size of walnuts. Squared walnuts.

1T-1 1/2 T Chinese five spice

If you have anise powder from a Chinese grocery, add a good pinch

1 t baking soda (This is for tenderizing. You could also marinate the beef in soy sauce and a little red wine vinegar. I've had some bad experiences with baking soda and this dish).

1 T soy sauce

2-3 T canola oil (or vegetable oil)

1 t sesame oil

Heat 2-3 T canola oil with 1 t sesame oil. Fry meat till brown. Add garlic. Do not drain. Add water until cubes are just covered and add five spice, baking soda. Let simmer ten minutes, skimming off the foam (it's scary and grey! mmm!). Add soy sauce and cubed potatoes or hard boiled eggs (or both). Let simmer on low for about 25 minutes. Serve over rice.

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