Friday, October 4, 2013

Hollyhock Dressing

I think someone saw this served at J's and called it Hippie Sauce. It's an oldie but goodie I had at the Insight Meditation Society in MA with sprouts, olives, carrots, lettuce and feta. Just leave the feta off obv for a vegan treat.

Once in January I was so down. So I made the above salad and then made hot OreIda potato french fries and put them on top. I'm not really wanting to eat that kind of stuff regularly so I made hot roasted fennel and potato and put the dressing on over arugula and it was great. Then in the summer I once made a salad of hot potatoes, fennel and chicken sausage then put it over a bed of arugula, avocado and tomato with cumin lime vinaigrette. Holy Moly. For such a vinaigrette, just put olive oil and lime juice, salt, peppper and cumin in a little bowl and whisk until it emulsifies. Same proportions as a lemon vinaigrette I bet.

Click here for Hollyhock Dressing recipe.

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