Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Green Potato Pizza

First off, make sure you do not use potatoes that are green under the skin. That is actually a dangerous mold. Don't eat that.

You will need:

To preheat oven to 425 (or whatever you cook your pizza at)

pizza dough
a potato peeled and very thinly sliced (Yukon Gold is best) (one fills a 9 x 13 pan)
olive oil or butter
herbs ("Italian seasoning" is fine)

I think olives or sardines would be pretty good on this, or even sauteed leek or fennel, but you do you!

Make the dough. Let it rise. Etc.

Line a pan with dough. Let it be kinda thick but not pan pan thick.

Cook for 7 minutes at 425.

Take out and put a layer of pesto on (I probably used 3 T on the whole thing).

Tile one layer of potatoes, really thinly on there. I've seen Roman pizza where the potato is like overlapping like a deck of cards but I didn't do it that thick on mine.
Drizzle with veggie oil or olive oil (I actually didn't use that cos it smokes at too low a temperature)...butter might work, but idk.
Herbs to taste

This is why poets don't write cook books. Soooo subjective.

Turn oven to broil and put the pizza pan under the broiler (like 3 inches away)
for 3-5 minutes. Watch it carefully until the potatoes look golden around the edges and bendy.

Take out from under the broiler. Sprinkle on mozzarella. You know. Enough mozzarella.

Put oven back on 425 and cook for 13-15 minutes until golden brown.

Let cool for 7-10 minutes because you don't want to burn your mouth.


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