So, N's nickname has been "The Rabbit" since he was a kid because he likes to nibble on things and he likes salad. A lot. I hate all the chewing, but I know I need my vegetables. He made these last night and I want to make sure we remember what he did:
1/2 cup lentils boiled with a little salt then tossed with a very little bit of tamari
grated carrot
cannelli beans
olive oil
hulls of 3 bell peppers
Remove the middle rack from the oven and cover it with a little sheet of foil. Place the hulls rounded side down on the foil. Fill them in this order with:
grated carrot
cannelli beans
drizzle of olive oil
Top these with a little bit of cheddar. Bake for 45-50 minutes at 350 and then broil the heck out of them for about 3 minutes. Mmmm....